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Walking picks with Emma: Mylor Yacht Harbour to Flushing

Spring’s was long in coming this year and the weather so changeable that if we were waiting for a sunny day, we mightn’t actually get out! With leaves finally unfurling and bluebells and wild garlic making their late but welcome appearance, it seemed like a good time to head out and check on spring’s progress, capitalising on a dry, if cloudy day!

The yachting harbour at Mylor was our start point, the water calm and tranquil alongside the hubbub of the working harbour. Hugging the track along the estuary edge, signs of spring soon became apparent with abundant growth of Alexanders spilling over into our pathway, brightening up the initially grey skies. The path opened up into waterside meadows, alongside which yachts serenely slipped past, and views over to St Just and St Anthony’s could be enjoyed.

As we continued across from Falmouth Harbour, we could see the busy dockyard with a naval vessel alongside, the colourful houses of the town rising up above the main waterside shops, restaurants and hotels. After a brief detour onto a white sandy beach, we arrived in Flushing, and here on its sheltered banks grew red campion and valerian, the pretty cottages already adorned with spring bulbs and foliage. Exploring the narrow streets, we found a very quiet, and extremely scenic village, its charming houses varying in age, architecture and colour, but all very pretty!

The tranquility of Flushing was broken when I realised my car parking ticket was due to expire in less than an hour, so we had to make a mad dash back along the same route (you can take a shorter route along a road joining the two villages)! Made it just in time!


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