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The joys of spring

Stepping into a new season can be bitter-sweet. Winter, despite its twinkling lights glowing in the dark, and picturesque scenes, can be a difficult time. With promises of cold, often wet, weather, it can feel as though it drags along, and after the excitement of Christmas, many of us find ourselves willing spring to arrive.

We truly believe that there is beauty in each of the seasons. Summer, with golden sunsets, fish and chips on the beach, and long hazy evenings spent in the garden; autumn, with a noticeable change across the countryside, the planning around Halloween and Bonfire Night, and comforting, warming meals; winter, with festive celebrations, old traditions, and taking things slow.

Spring, on the other hand, is a chance to breathe in the new. If desired, we can adopt new habits, make positive changes to our lifestyles and daily routines; we can create new goals for ourselves, and look forward to exciting events and celebrations in the year.

But possibly one of the most anticipated parts of spring, is the return of colour to the countryside. After what feels an eternity, the bronze, auburn and ochre patchwork patterns sewn across the fields, bare haggard trees and tired landscape begins to sprout new life. Greenery in the hedgerows and the first glimpse of early spring flowers start to unfurl from a long winter’s slumber, and while we’re in for

some chilly days yet, spring brings a feeling of hopefulness, and a reminder of those brighter days to come.

Send us your spring photos. If you’re out and about and spot a cluster of daffodils in the hedgerow,

a field of cute little lambs or simply think the view from your window looks particularly lovely, snap a

picture and send it to so we can share on our Facebook page.


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