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Ships & Castles: The story so far...

The loss of leisure centres across Cornwall is something that has been felt in many communities in our county, but groups of volunteers are coming together to save these much-loved facilities, with Pendennis Leisure CIC working to improve Ships and Castles in Falmouth.

Pendennis Leisure Community Interest Company was formed by residents of Falmouth, Penryn and surrounding villages to operate and enhance leisure services at Ships and Castles.

The CIC was established to galvanise community support for and prepare for a community-led operation of Ships and Castles in the wake of the announcement that Cornwall Council intended to recommend closure of the leisure centre from the end of March 2022.

Despite strong campaigning and opposition from the community, Cornwall Council closed the leisure centre in April 2022 with a view to selling it for development. However, the story didn’t end there.

Falmouth Town Council successfully negotiated an option to take over the site under a Devolution Deal, protecting it from development and sale. Pendennis Leisure has supported Falmouth Town Council by taking over the lease of Ships and Castles in spring 2023.

But what’s next? Pendennis Leisure’s aim is now to reopen much needed sustainable swimming and leisure facilities at the site. Due to the condition and configuration of the site, along with the huge increase in energy costs, it will not be possible to simply reopen the site as it was.

The plan is to re-design and transform the centre into a modern Passivhaus centre to include a 25m pool and teaching pool alongside a fitness suite to make the site sustainable and energy efficient. This could take two to four years, and is dependent on securing external funding. In the meantime, the site will be opening as a community hub offering activities, events and more for all ages.

The team at Pendennis Leisure are currently working with community partners to run fitness, health and wellbeing activities for all ages, both inside and outdoors.

To support and follow their journey, visit for updates and to sign up for their mailing list.


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