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Making plans for the Easter holidays

Half term has already been and gone, and now it’s time to look ahead to the Easter holidays. If you’re looking for some ideas on how to spend Easter with your family, without breaking the bank, here are some nice and easy tips!

Make Easter Nests

The kids will love getting involved with this simple treat. They really don’t take long to make, and are always delicious! Simply get a couple of bars of chocolate, a bag of mini chocolate eggs, cupcake cases and your cereal of choice. Melt the chocolate down slowly, and then mix the cereal into it thoroughly, before spooning into cupcake cases and topping with the chocolate eggs. Wait for the nests to solidify and enjoy!

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter egg hunts can be as extravagant or as simple as you like. One thing is guaranteed: your little ones will love every moment! Take it outside into the garden if it’s a nice day, or keep it indoors if the weather isn’t on your side. You could hide chocolate eggs, or you could switch it up by hiding Easter-themed drawings, photos or illustrations, with a prize at the end.

Telling Easter Stories

Why not set your children a creative writing task? Give them a pen (or pencil) and paper and send them off for half an hour to come up with their very own Easter story. We think a chocolate treat afterwards, or perhaps some new stationery or a book, would go down very well!

Create Easter Cards

Sometimes there is nothing children like more than sitting down to craft and create something of their

own. Pop into town to pick up some Easter craft supplies, blank cards and envelopes, and let the children’s imaginations run free. Ask them to write a nice Easter message inside their cards, and then deliver them to family and loved ones. Don’t forget to check out what’s going on in town over the Easter period - there may be some craft workshops to take your little ones to.

Spend Time Outdoors

It’s amazing what you can find outside in the spring. Bright yellow daffodils will be pushing up from the ground, lambs will be bouncing around in the fields, and the sunshine may just make an appearance or two if we’re lucky!


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