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Falmouth Uncovered: Revealing Falmouth's past through unique storytelling

Have you ever stopped and wondered just how much history your hometown holds? Falmouth has a unique story to tell and local storyteller and historian Will Hazell is keen to give it the narration it deserves through his guided walking tour company, Falmouth Uncovered.

Will from Falmouth Uncovered on Gylly Beach

Meeting in the busy hustle and bustle of the Gylly Beach Cafe, we caught up with Will, dressed to impress in his historic sailor costume - complete with buccaneer hat and button accordion - to talk about his business which has been running since 2021.

Will has had a passion for history since he was a youngster, admitting that it was the Horrible Histories

books, so popular with the younger generation, that ignited his interest in the past. This, coupled with his love of theatre and Falmouth itself, which first became his home as a university student, has helped

to create enchanting walking tours which have become increasingly popular year-on-year.

The work is, of course, very seasonal and away from Falmouth Uncovered, Will is currently training to become a counsellor. But with spring upon us, and those warm summer months just a hopeful short distance away, he is looking forward to showing just how thrilling the history of Falmouth really is, with his walking tours starting in April.

But how did Falmouth Uncovered come to be? Will said: “I’ve always researched local history; it was something I did for fun, finding out the stories of different places. I’m one of those people that came here as a university student, and then never really left. Falmouth has got a really energising feel to it, and so the idea came to me during Covid.

“I was with my friend, and I said, ‘Someone should be doing this (a walking tour)’. He instantly encouraged me and by the afternoon we had come up with a business plan!”

Will was determined to emulate the same feeling one gets from watching a gripping play in the walking tours - learnt from his experience in theatre.

It’s about holding a space, creating a feeling,” he continued. “I wanted to establish a certain energy, and to create a reliable source of positive energy amongst the audience.”

In May 2021, Will ran his first tour and gradually, with the help of positive Tripadvisor reviews and the ever reliable power of ‘word of mouth’, Falmouth Uncovered soon became a must for every visitor’s to-do list.

Like every town steeped in history, Falmouth has its fair share of ghostly tales, so the tours suit both history lovers and those curious in the paranormal. Visitors can either attend the standard walking tour, taking in the beautiful and historic sights of Falmouth, or - if they’re feeling daring - they can be taken on an eerie walk around the town, accompanied by Will, who takes on the alter-ego of a ghostly pirate, and hear the grisly stories from times past.

Will is getting ready for this season's walking tours, starting in April

But why is Will so passionate about telling Falmouth’s story, to visitors and locals alike? He said: “Falmouth was partly built by international people. It’s somewhere you would hear many different languages, because people were coming from across the world for all sorts of reasons - it’s where Cornwall met the world. Although Falmouth is not as old as other Cornish towns, its history is dynamic.

“People often don't know much about their home's story. When you're living your day-to-day life there's often no space to exercise your curiosity. I really enjoy chatting to local people, though; I often hear so many gems and get so much extra insight from people whose relatives told them stories about the past. Those family stories live on in people. By knowing a bit about the series of events that made the place, it puts our lives into perspective. We become a link in the chain; we live in an echo of what has been. This process of learning about the place around you can be done on your own terms. It can be your own venture.”

But what next? With tours starting up again in April, Will has a head full of ideas for Falmouth Uncovered, telling even more local tales and discovering more about Falmouth’s past. He plans to continue his work with local schools and universities, while aiming to connect the town’s flow of tourism with the local community.


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