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Exploring the wonders of photography

Falmouth Camera Club is a friendly and informal group who meet to socialise, enjoy photography, share ideas and help each other with techniques and tips.

Members use digital SLR cameras, film cameras and mobile phones. Some develop their own photos, preparing and mounting their own prints. There are a wide variety of interests and genres of photography amongst members, including macro (extreme close up), landscape, seascape, portrait, architecture, creative (manipulating images using editing software) and still life, to name a few.

The club meets on Thursday evenings from September to April at Budock Water Village Hall, Budock Water. During the season they run an enjoyable programme including workshops on different photographic techniques, presentations by internal and external speakers, using digital and print presentations and a range of competitions; some formal, some fun.

The club runs a series of four points competitions with both digital and print entries that have a set subject and open section. The set subjects provide the opportunity to be creative with a subject or genre that members may not be familiar with, testing their imagination and skills. The evenings when judging takes place allows members to view all entries and hear the judges’ comments.

Constructive critique and comments on each are useful to help improve images, get inspiration from other members and gain confidence in their abilities.There are also field trips throughout the year and in spring and summertime the club organises local evening walks to places such as Swanpool, heritage sites, reservoirs and local towns. New members and visitors are always welcome, beginners and experienced alike. Find the club on Facebook.


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