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Don't get tangled up in Christmas waste

With the busiest time of year approaching, before you know it, the recycling will be overflowing. Here’s some tips on how to be a little more mindful about your Christmas rubbish!

  • Declutter the house before Christmas arrives. Take things you no longer want to the charity shop or offer them up to someone who may appreciate it!

  • Ditch the paper! Instead of buying endless rolls of paper, why not opt for materials that can be used again and again? Wrap a gift in a lovely piece of vintage fabric found at the charity shop and tie it with ribbon or string, or try making your own gift bags out of recycled newspapers (or perhaps even some old copies of Falmouth Life), fabrics or other materials.

  • Use leftovers! There is so much food about at Christmas, that sometimes we simply cannot get through it all. Try and be more conscious about what you’re buying over the festive season - refill shops are a great way to get exactly what you need - and if you do have lots of food left over from the big day, try and make something new with it. Think turkey curries, turkey pies with all the veg and gravy from Christmas day, bubble and squeak, macaroni cheese with cheese board leftovers - the list is endless!

  • Donate your real Christmas tree to a local project. Beach Guardian holds an annual Christmas tree planting day every January to support the sand dunes at Constantine Bay, while some farms appeal for donations of trees to feed their animals. Always make sure to research the details for these events, and never dump a Christmas tree or leave it on someone else’s property without their permission.

If you want detailed tips on how to recycle this Christmas, visit

There will likely be changes to your waste and recycling collection dates this Christmas. Make sure to visit the Cornwall Council website or Facebook page for more information.


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