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An update from Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together

Falmouth and Penryn Churches Together (FPCT) seeks to help individual Christians and whole churches to work together for the benefit of the local community.

Falmouth and Penryn Churches Together (FPCT) seeks to help individual Christians and whole churches to work together for the benefit of the local community.

“For too long, people both inside and outside the church have focused on what it is that divides churches,” said FPCT Chair, Euan McPhee. “FPCT prefers to focus on what it is that unites us. Our motto is – Working together to share the love of God. Different denominations enjoy a rich diversity of tradition and worship, but we share the desire to work for good within the local community.”

Every church has its own activities, but some are only possible by working together. For example, no one church could stage the annual Live Nativity! But what else does the Falmouth & Penryn branch do? The Good Friday Walk of Witness from Emmanuel Baptist to King Charles Church, stops for prayer at each church en route. After a short service, hot cross buns and coffee are enjoyed. Footsteps Café is an ecumenical activity serving tea, coffee, cake and friendly company; visit Emmanuel Baptist between 10am and 12pm any Thursday!

Last year’s study day, The Cry of the Earth, enabled people of all denominations (and none) to discuss tackling Climate Change and Biodiversity loss. Falmouth & Penryn Foodbank is run by Highway Church in Penryn, but is massively supported by donations and volunteer workers from all the churches.

St Budock's Parish and Emmanuel Baptist Churches offer services to the local community from national charity, Christians Against Poverty (CAP). Debt support, money management courses,and help with job searches are offered. More information at: And for bibliophiles, don’t miss the Pop-up Book Sale at King Charles Church between 15th and 20th May, where proceeds will go towards Christian Aid. Most of these activities could not and would not happen without churches working together!

For more information about Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together, email Euan McPhee on


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