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All the fun of the Tregoniggie Woodland Fair!

A cloudless blue sky and warm sunshine bathed the annual Tregoniggie Woodland Fair which took place on Saturday 13th May.

The purpose of the Fair was to share the wonders of the woodland with the local community as well as generating funds for the ongoing care of the woodland.

The Friends of Tregoniggie Woodland offered an impressive selection of plants for sale as well as tea, coffee and cake. A raffle and a tombola stall which featured a range of gifts kindly donated by a number of local businesses proved a great attraction.

Children had the chance to do some pond-dipping and were amazed to see a range of minibeasts, including dragonfly larvae, whirligig beetles, tadpoles and newts. They also had the opportunity to make seed bombs by mixing mud with wildflower seeds which they were encouraged to take home to create a little bit of wildflower habitat of their own. Other activities included decorative stars made out of willow twigs.

Cornwall Wildlife Trust had a stall to share the message of the importance of nature conservation, including Tregoniggie Woodland. Falmouth Town Council’s Environmental Education & Enforcement Officer promoted the many green spaces that the town had to offer and the need to look after them as well as enjoy them.

By the end of the day, over £800 had been raised for the Friends. Even more importantly, many local people and visitors had the opportunity to learn a little more about the importance of green spaces for our wellbeing and for the benefit of wildlife.

Want to become involved in helping look after this wonderful place? Then why not join the twice-monthly work parties on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 10am – meet at the Nursery, off Venton Road.

For more information, check the Facebook page: Friends of Tregoniggie Woodland | Facebook

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